Thank YOU, Santa Clarita, for helping us, help them.
Realty Executives agents have donated a total of $340,742 and 2,195 hours in the last 12 months (7/1/14 - 6/30/15).
Here is a list of the charities Realty Executives agents have made charitable contributions to locally and worldwide.
- 999 For Kids (LA County Sheriffs)
- A Little Patch of Earth
- Acton Community Center
- African New Life
- AidsCycle
- Aids Project LA
- Albert Einstein Academy
- Alzheimer Walk
- American Cancer Research
- American Cancer Society
- American Diabetes Association
- American Heart Association
- American Legion
- American Red Cross
- Angel Bins
- Assistance League of SCV
- Auction Homeless SCV
- Baptist Haiti Missions
- Boy Scouts of America
- Bridge to Home
- Bridgeport Elementary School
- Brittany Foundation in Agua Dulce
- Canyon High School Cheer Squad
- CareNet
- Carousel Ranch
- Castaic Education Foundation
- Charity Works
- Child SHARE
- Children’s Hospital LA
- Children of the Nations
- Children to Love
- Children’s Hunger Fund
- Christmas for Charities
- City of Hope
- City of Santa Clarita
- College of the Canyons
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Disabled Veterans
- Domestic Violence Center
- Donate to Get Your Rear in Gear
- Epilepsy Foundation
- Escape Children’s Musical Productions at COC
- Everyday Hero – Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Feed the Children
- FireFighter Widows & Orphans
- FireHogs Motorcycle Club (Fallen Fire Fighters)
- Flintridge Sacred Heart
- Food Pantry
- Foot and Mouth Painters
- Frazier Mountain Little League
- Friends for Pets
- Friends of Acton Park
- FVHSF 1976 Scholarship Fund
- Girl Scouts of America
- Goodwill
- Guadalupe Center
- Habitat for Veterans
- Habitat for Humanity
- Hart Baseball
- Hart High Cheer
- Hart High Drama
- Help the Children
- Helping Hands for the Blind
- Hope of the Valley
- Human Rights Campaign
- LA County Animal Care
- LA County Firefighter Widows & Orphans Fund
- LA Sheriff Reserve Association
- LARP Ranch
- Los Angeles Police Memorial Fund
- Lucky Pup
- March of Dimes
- Marine Corps League
- Michael
Hofflin Foundation
- National Lupus Foundation
- New Hope
- New Hope for Troubled Lives
- New Lease on Life
- New Life Baptist Chapel / Castaic
- Northpark Church
- One Million Meals Campaign
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church
- Paralyzed Veterans of America
- Paw Works in Ventura
- Phillips-Loporchio Memorial Scholarship Program
- Pinetree School
- Police Expo
- Project Linus
- Purdue University
- Real Life Church
- Red Cross
- Relay 4 Life
- Rescue Mission
- Ryan’s Wishes
- Salvation Army
- San Fernando Rescue Mission
- Santa Clarita Elks Lodge
- Saugus High School ASB
- Saugus High School Cheer
- Saugus High School Football
- Saugus Union School District
- SCV Boys & Girls Club
- SCV Pregnancy Center
- SCV Senior Center
- Sanctuary Church
- Shepard of the Hills Church
- Single Mothers Outreach
- Sioux Foundation of North Dakota
- Southern California Special Olympics
- Sparks of Love
- Special Olympics
- Spotlight Arts Center
- St. Baldricks
- St. Clare’s Catholic Church
- St. Josephs Indian School
- St. Judes
- St. Kateri Church
- Summer in the USA Basque Mission
- Susan G Komen Breast Cancer
- Sweet Savi Childhood Arthritis Charity
- The Catalyst Foundation
- The SCV Youth Project
- The Trevor Project
- Toys for Tots
- Tree People
- UCLA Children’s Ward
- UCLA Epilepsy Walk A Thon
- Union Rescue Mission
- United in Mission
- United Thrift Store
- United Way Valencia Football
- Veterans Administration
- Valencia High School Girls Golf Team
- Valencia SNAP Flyers Hockey Club
- Valencia Valley PTA
- Valley Hindu Temple
- Vasquez High School PTSO
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Vietnam Vets
- Violent Crimes Against Kids
- Vista Murrieta Golden Alliance
- Warm Springs Middle School Music Dept.
- Westside German Shepard Rescue
- William S. Hart School District
- Wounded Warriors
- YMCA of Santa Clarita
- Young Survivors Coalition
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